Is your home ready for the holidays and will you be able to avoid any mishaps that could ruin the festivities? The holiday season is festive and busy with gatherings of family and friends. Likewise, if you plan on hosting this year, you should start early to prepare your home for the guests and events that will soon fill your halls. Preparing for the holiday season is a great reason to put the finishing touches and projects and ensure things like home insurance are all up to date.
Is Your Home Ready for the Holidays and All Circumstances?
Here are some other methods to prepare your home for the holidays.
Too much stuff can not only prevent an attractive home, but it adds to stress and anxiety. Start by tossing, selling, or donating items you haven’t used in the past year. Then look around your home and ensure every item has a place. Create one if you find items that don’t have a designated spot to land when you aren’t using them. Finding a storage solution for “floating” items like bills for homeowners insurance, coats, shoes, purses, backpacks, and guests’ personal items will help de-clutter your space and make cleaning easier.
After you have updated your MA homeowners insurance, the holidays are a great opportunity for deep cleaning. Also, you should clean the kitchen, bathrooms, and floors as you typically do, but include a thorough cleaning of the areas that don’t get regular attention, such as the following:
• Clean behind and under furniture
• Clean the oven
• Clean upholstered furniture
• Clean your blinds and window treatments
• Wash windows
• Wipe down baseboards
Decorating for the holidays is a time-honored tradition that helps to create and maintain lasting family memories. However, you should think beyond the lights and garland to add subtle holiday accents in unexpected places. Use holiday prints on bedding, pillows, towels, and window treatments. You can also add temporary shelving in new places to display your holiday decor.
Ensure Safety
December is the perfect time to ensure your homeowners’ insurance is up to date. You should also prevent accidents that occur too often during this time of year.
Be mindful of the proper use of lighting. Replace old holiday lights and check the wiring on all your electric decor to ensure no frayed wires or broken sockets. Follow lighting instructions regarding indoor or outdoor use, and turn off lights when you need to leave home or go to sleep.
If you purchase a live tree, cut 2″ from the trunk to increase water absorption and ensure a fresh water supply. Position the tree at least three feet from fireplaces or other heat sources. Secure the tree properly, so it doesn’t fall down. Once the tree starts to dry out, stop turning on the lights.
The holiday season is an excellent opportunity to verify that your home insurance policy covers everything you need. Once you have finished getting your home ready for the holidays, take some time to slow down and enjoy the festivities.
About E.J. O’Neil Insurance Agency
Since 1898, E.J. O’Neil Insurance Agency has provided homeowners with reliable coverage and high-quality customer service. Today, we offer a variety of policies, including commercial, boat, automobile, homeowners, motorcycle, and renters insurance. Quotes are free by phone or online request, and we can provide notary and other services at our location. We pride ourselves on caring for customers when they need it most, proving it with over $3.2 million in claims paid over 12 months. To find the right coverage for your need, call 413-594-4757 or visit us online.
E.J. O’Neil Insurance Agency also offers free RMV service for their customers. You’ll never need to go to the RMV again to register a new vehicle or renew a registration. They do it for you.