Numerous things can affect your car insurance quote, and it is vital to understand them before securing auto insurance. If you’re wondering what can affect your car insurance cost, there’s no single answer. Many variables have an impact on the underwriting process.
The Scenarios That Affect Your Car Insurance Quote
Getting a car insurance quote can help you see a ballpark estimate of your potential expenses, and the following ten factors will come into play, too.
Age Affects a Car Insurance Quote
Age is one of the most significant factors in a person’s car insurance cost. Teen drivers are often the riskiest to insure because they face a higher likelihood of accidents, so in most cases, they will have higher premiums. After 25, though, rates tend to decrease.
Make and Model of the Car
The make and model of your car is another factor that may impact your rates. It is because some vehicles have better safety ratings than others, reducing the risk an insurer takes on. A car insurance quote for a truck is often lower for this reason.
History of High-Risk Traffic Violations
Unsurprisingly, drivers with a history of high-risk traffic violations will see much higher rates than those without. Citations for driving under the influence, speeding, or reckless driving can all make car insurance quotes in Massachusetts more expensive.
How Much You Drive in a Year
The more you drive, the more likely you’ll get into an accident. It is why you’ll usually need to estimate your annual mileage when you apply for car insurance in Chicopee. Your rate will likely be directly proportional to your mileage.
Your Credit History
If you have good credit, it will earn you a discounted car insurance quote in most states. Interestingly, though, this isn’t the case in Massachusetts. Massachusetts is one of just three states where insurers are not allowed to take a person’s credit into account.
Driving Record
Many factors comprise your driving record, including how many years of experience you have and whether you have any citations. You should also know that a history of prior claims will typically result in higher rates — even if the claims were not your fault.
Your Zip Code
Insurers will also consider the area you live in when they are calculating your insurance costs. Some zip codes have higher crime rates and a greater likelihood of accidents, which can increase an insurer’s liability.
Whether or Not You’re Married
A driver’s marital status plays a significant role in calculating premiums. Married drivers tend to be safer than those who are single, with some sources estimating that they are 50% less likely to get into an accident.
Your Gender
Your gender will impact your rates, too. For teen drivers, boys will typically pay more, while the opposite is true when drivers reach the age of 45 — men typically pay less than women. Drivers in their 30s will often pay comparable rates, though.
State Requirements for a Car Insurance Quote
Finally, your car insurance quote will reflect the legal requirements that exist in your state. In Massachusetts, drivers must carry coverage for bodily injury to others, personal injury protection, uninsured motorist, and property damage.
About E.J. O’Neil Insurance Agency
Since 1898, E.J. O’Neil Insurance Agency has provided homeowners with reliable coverage and high-quality customer service. Today, we offer a variety of policies, including commercial, boat, automobile, homeowners, motorcycle, and renters insurance. Quotes are free by phone or online request, and we can provide notary and other services at our location. We pride ourselves on caring for customers when they need it most, proving it with over $3.2 million in claims paid over 12 months. To find the right coverage for your need, call 413-594-4757 or visit us online.